Welcome to La Maison


The first time you meet Sylvie, you will know she is “Anything but Ordinary!

Her passion & love for design is contagious.

Sylvie takes the time to understand your wants and needs, whether it’s redesigning your current space or preparing your property for the real estate market. She is a specialist who cares about you, who really listens and who is committed to achieving and delivering your desired results.

Que ça soit en anglais ou en français. Services are available in English and French

Sylvie prend le temps de comprendre les désirs et les besoins de ses clients, qu’il s’agisse de réaménager votre chez-sois. de préparer votre propriété pour le marché immobilier. C’est une spécialiste qui est dédié a vos besoins, qui vous écoute et qui s’engage à atteindre et à livrer vos résultats souhaités.

“As a Design Consultant,Certified Stager, and Living in Place Specialist, I have the expertise to help improve the health of my clients. Selling or staying in your current home every space should emulate comfort, beauty and stability to improve your well being. I continues to be better informed through trade shows and continuing education. Staying current with the latest trends and product innovations is extremely important in serving my clients.”